Upload your shipment data, or connect to our API, and receive carbon footprint reports or CO2e values for all of your shipments.
Simplify carbon emissions reporting for your clients by creating shipment-specific reports.
Upcoming legislation in the EU and the US demands all companies report on their transport emissions. We make it easy.
Reporting your emissions has never been easier. Just upload your trade lanes or container shipments or connect to our API.
Share the trade lanes and shipments you want emissions for and we calculate it for you. From anywhere to anywhere in the world. Our calculations are based on real truck, rail, ocean and barge schedules from our operators and in accordance with the GLEC framework.
Soon your customers have to report on their emissions according to the:
Give them insight on:
Our calculations are based on the GLEC-Framework (Global Logistics Emissions Council). It is the only globally recognised transport emissions calculation methodology and in alignment with: